Monday, January 12, 2009

Thing One

Wow, I'm blogging! Who would have thought?!! I'll admit I asked for some help from coworkers as I was setting this up, but I did it -- finally! A coworker and I are still not sure about the settings part (enabling comments) because we couldn't figure out how to do it before moving on to step 3 - selecting a template. We're thinking we can do it from here, but that will have to wait for now.


  1. You're doing great so far and the fact that you are asking people for help when you get stuck is wonderful.
    The fact that I can comment means you're asking the right people!

  2. Howdy! You're following my blog and I know I probably know you from a FLYP workshop or NEFLIN or something, but I haven't guessed yet who you are from Alachua County that I know! Let me in on the secret!! :)
